How many times have we asked ourselves: what is my ascendant? How do you calculate it? Questions to which this article tries to give concrete and understandable answers. And you? Do you know what your ascendant is? Knowing your ascendant is, in fact, as important as knowing your zodiac sign. In the following article, we get to know about How to find your rising sign? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will benefit you guys.

In astrology, the ascendant is the meeting point between the horizon and the ecliptic, that is, the circle that represents the apparent path of the Sun in the Celestial Sphere in a year. Put, it identifies the zodiac sign that was rising at the time of our birth.

An important fact, since the ascendant influences our way of relating to others and how the outside world considers us. The ascendant determines what we call “first impression,” the idea that we give of ourselves to those who look at us or meet us for the first time.


To calculate your ascendant, you first need to know the date, place, and time of birth.

As for this last data to find your rising sign, if it is not possible to recover it through one’s parents or relatives, one can appeal to one’s Municipality by requesting the birth certificate.

Knowing the exact time is not secondary because even a few minutes of difference could change one’s ascendant, thus falsifying the calculation.

Knowing the exact time of birth, you can calculate the sidereal time of delivery with a series of operations that we will explain below.

In the meantime, to find out your ascendant, go to the table relating to your sign and find the time slot of your time of birth. The corresponding one will be your ascendant.


Once you have the date of birth, time, and place, first, you need to transform the time of delivery into local time to find your rising sign, subtracting or adding a few minutes based on the city where you were born.

More in detail, in the case of Milan, you have to subtract 23 minutes to get your local time.

Usually, you should take about 20 minutes if you were born above Bologna, 10 minutes if you were born between Bologna and Naples, nothing if you were born further south.

Having the correct local time, you can pass to the calculation of the sidereal time. The latter is given by the local time that we have just calculated plus the sidereal time of the day of birth.

To know the sidereal time, just consult a  table like this. If the sum is greater than 24, then 24 must be subtracted from the full.

  • Aries if the TST is between 6:01 pm and 6:59 pm
  • Taurus if the TST is between 19:00 and 20:17
  • Gemini, if ​​the TST is between 8:18 pm and 10:08 pm
  • Cancer if the TST is between 22:09 and 00:34
  • Leo, if the TST is between 00:35 and 03:17
  • Virgo if the TST is between 03:18 and 06:00
  • Balances if the TST is between 06:01 and 08:43
  • Scorpio if the TST is between 08:44 and 11:25
  • Sagittarius if the TST is between 11:26 and 13:53
  • Capricorn if the TST is between 13:54 and 15:43
  • Aquarium if the TST is between 3:44 pm and 5:00 pm
  • Pisces, if the TST is between 5:01 pm and 6:00 pm

If the calculation explained so far seems too complex, do not worry: consult the table for the analysis of the ascendant relative to your sign among those proposed above.

Otherwise, various software on the net automatically calculates the ascendant by entering the place, date, and time of birth.

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