Among the fans of the world of sport and health who are looking for an active job related to these interests, the idea of ​​becoming a physiotherapist often arises. But what must one do to become a physiotherapist? And what does a physiotherapist do? In this article, we read about How to become a physical therapist?

To become a physiotherapist, it is necessary to successfully pass the university course lasting three years, ending with the state exam qualifying for the profession and the thesis discussion.

To access the course of study to become a physiotherapist, it is necessary to register and pass the entrance test, usually in early September, in common with the other health professions (e.g., nursing/radiology technician, etc.). The admission test is based on cross-crossed questions that require knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology in addition to questions of logic and general culture. The rankings are published within a few weeks, and it is possible to check your position on the university website. The academic path then begins in mid-October and has a duration of 3 years. During the training period, the student learns to know, evaluate, educate and rehabilitate patients with orthopedic, neurological, visceral, cardiovascular, and respiratory problems, alternating theoretical lessons with practical internships.

Physiotherapist school: university only?

Looking for information on the web, we can often see how there are different training offers. We find courses to become a physiotherapist, a school for a physiotherapist. And many bodies and organizations offer solutions, opportunities, and alternative study methods become a physiotherapist. It is essential to clarify this point: the possibility of practicing this profession at a legal level is recognized only to those who have attended and successfully passed the three-year university course. Furthermore, the implementing decree of the Lorenzin law, n.3 of 2018, has enabled all physiotherapists with a regular qualification to enroll in the Register of Physiotherapists.

Which belongs to the 19 health professions, thus allowing to distinguish the professional. Who has the authority and competence to be able to exercise the profession from the abusive? Therefore, to enroll in the register, it is necessary to have a three-year diploma to become a physical therapist. And no school enough to become a physiotherapist who] offered online. Still, the course of study must be the university one. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to undertake a physiotherapist course. Outside the university to avoid embarking on legal problems. And to respect those who have dedicated their time and invested their money in academic training.

How to become a sports physiotherapist?

Many people develop an interest in the path of study for the physiotherapist. They have had their first contact with this profession thanks to the world of sport. Many sports enthusiasts have the dream of working in touch with professional athletes. There is currently no school for the sports physiotherapist to become a physical therapist. However, first-level university masters, courses. And studies for the physiotherapist interested in this sector can increase the clinical skills on rehabilitation. And management of the athlete to increase the possibility of chosen by a team or a sports club.

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