Crabgrass is a seasonal weed that can grow prolifically in lawns. It is one of the most common weeds found in yards and is difficult to eliminate due to its abundant seeds that burrow into the ground when homeowners try to fix grass from the ground. In this article, we read about How to get rid of crabgrass?


Our expert landscaping consultant, Kathy Bosen, adds, “Unless you have a large garden and a big crabgrass problem, the weeding manual can be a simple and safe solution. Dig out the crabgrass before the seeds come out and fill the spots with fresh grass seeds. “Maintaining a healthy garden is the best way to prevent crabgrass.”

  • Identifying Crabgrass

Crabgrass is easy to identify on grass due to its distinctive “crab” appearance. The blades of the grass grow in spiky clumps and can grow up to 3 feet or more. The weed often grows in mats and has broad, pointed leaves. The smooth variety grows in smaller patches, has shorter sharp leaf blades, and generally only produces about 15 inches tall.

Crabgrass usually is a lighter green color than the surrounding grass and can be found where the grass has been over-mowed, where there is a bare spot, and in areas that are too humid.

  • Dealing with the problem

The best time to treat crab with herbicides is spring because its growing season has just started, and it hasn’t had a chance to establish itself in your lawn. Herbicides stop crabgrass as soon as the weather begins to warm up. Apply the herbicide to the crabgrass patches according to the directions on the package.

You will probably need to repeat the process several times during the growing season, including at least one application during the summer. You can apply a long-lasting herbicide that contains a grass feeder to help promote grass growth while killing the crab.

If you avoid putting poisons like herbicides on your lawn due to organic concerns or because you have children or pets frequently in your yard, you can try an old master gardener trick for boiling water directly on the crabgrass. While this may sound strange, it is a very effective method of getting rid of crabgrass and weeds with short root systems. In a few days, the grass will turn black and die. The boiling water method can be very effective if you use it early in the season before the crab has a chance to establish in your lawn and seed for next spring.

  • Crab prevention

In addition to killing the seeds before they can sprout, there are a few other methods to prevent crabgrass altogether. The first is to allow your lawn to grow a few inches taller than usual and not cut extremely short. Since the crab needs sunlight to thrive, detected if it grows if it denies it.

Another method of preventing crabgrass is to continually seed spots on your lawn where the grass has thinned, or there are bare areas. Without bare spots, it will be difficult for the crab to establish itself.

While the fight against crab can be a constant battle for homeowners who take pride in their lawns, suitable lawn maintenance methods will eventually eliminate the problem.

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