June is in full swing, and that means what? Right, the exam session is coming! While exams may be different, and some may seem like a walk in the park, math tests are usually demanding and burdensome. Not only do you need to complete myriads of tasks during the exam, but you should also apply various theories and concepts learned throughout the year. So how do you prepare for the exams, and more importantly, how do you pass them with flying colors? Read on to learn more!

Prioritize subjects

Setting the right priorities is the act that will boost your efficacy and elevate your success to a new level, believe it or not. Besides focusing on more crucial things first, you will manage to better understand subjects and improve the abilities you will use upon graduation. So if, for example, you need to choose complex analysis over calculus, using calculus help online and focusing more on complex analysis is your go-to. Setting priorities will work if you know what you want to become and where you plan to work. 

Allocate enough time for every subject

Without a doubt, students always lack time, and it doesn’t matter whether they are at school, college, or university. However, the ability to manage your time–regardless of how much of it you have–and use it correctly will help enrich and test your knowledge. Moreover, it will allow you to understand every topic and be able to apply it in real-life circumstances.

Apply study techniques

There would be no reason to touch upon study techniques if students used them daily. The problem is, though, that students don’t. They typically approach a particular subject and sit on it until their brain melts. It is a complete no-go! Doing this will make your productivity and attention plummet, and it would be excellent if you understood and remembered 10% of what you read. 

So, try to implement study techniques. Fortunately, many methods are available, so don’t hesitate to choose any that works for you. We, in turn, prefer to utilize two techniques, Pomodoro and spaced repetition. While the former helps maintain concentration and productivity, the latter helps retain as much info learned when studying the topic as possible.

Avoid cramming

In an attempt to prepare for the exam the day before, students have no choice but to read hundreds of pages and notes and try to cram information. But the truth is that it doesn’t work at all. Stay away from cramming at all costs, as cramming does you no good. The solution is simple: start learning as soon as possible.

Recompense your efforts

To keep your KPI high, you have to fuel your efforts. Rewarding your exertion will help your brain recover quickly and, above all else, make the learning process meaningful. Creating a rewarding system will contribute to making your learning session exciting. It’s up to you what to offer yourself as compensation. A simple snack, a slice of pizza, an exotic drink, you name it.