The passport is the document that certifies the identity of a person and authorizes them to travel outside their country of origin and the states of the European Union. It is valid for 10 years from the date of issue and can be renewed for another 10 years. In the following article, we get to know about How to apply passport? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

What is the Passport?

The passport is the document necessary to travel abroad, outside the member countries of the European Union, together with the authorization visa to enter certain countries to apply passport, when they request it. A valid passport is also suitable for identification purposes, but the Italian citizen is not required to always carry the passport as an identification document (an identity card is sufficient for this purpose).

In the last six months of validity prior to the expiry date, the passport can be considered, to certain effects, an expired document: it certifies the identity of the person but may not authorize free circulation.

Who can apply for a passport and what documentation is needed

The issue of a passport can be requested by any Italian citizen.

The passport can be requested at any time, from the moment in which the collected documentation is complete and compliant with the requirements established by law. The issue of the passport must be requested on the appropriate form. The documentation required for the request must contain:

  • the request signed by the interested party;
  • the receipt of the payment on the specific current account (in the name of the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Department of the Treasury), for expenses related to the issue of the passport ;
  • two signed passport-size photographs (one of which authenticated);
  • the electronic stamp for the passport;
  • the signature of the consent of the other spouse in the event that there are minor children;
  • the expired passport if in the possession of the applicant;
  • the authorization of the tutelary judge if the applicant is:


  1. a) separated parent with minor child (ren); (see the sheet on the separation of spouses ) b) natural parent with minor child / s recognized only by the natural parent. (Now, see fact sheet on natural children ) c) parent divorced with minor child (s) without the consent of the other parent. (see factsheet on divorce )

The parent of a minor child, at the time of requesting the issuance of his passport, must attach the declaration of minor children, i.e. a form in which the applicant declares the number of children and the personal details of the other parent: this to protect minors. These indications require regardless of the marital status of the applicant who has minor children: for married, divorced, separated, cohabiting parents, or other.

So, the other parent can allow the applicant’s passport to issue by completing the parental consent form (see form of the Deed of Consent for the issuance/renewal of the passport of the minor child). It necessary that both parents sign the form in front of the police officer, in which the documentation presented. If the other parent unable to present himself for the declaration, the applicant can attach a photocopy of the original signed document and the consent form.

Passport application made by a minor

Since 2009, minors must also have a passport. From that year on it is therefore no longer possible to register the minor in the parent’s passport. For the passport of minors, the law has established a different validity to apply passport:

  • three years for those from zero to three years;
  • five years for minors between the ages of three and eighteen.

However, passports issued before 2009 that contain the enrollment of minors still remain valid until their expiration.

If the applicant is a minor it is necessary, in addition to the documentation described in the previous paragraph:

  • the presence of the parents to sign the request: one parent can delegate the other;
  • the presence of the minor for the authentication of the photos: they can previously authenticated by the minor and delivered by the parents;
  • the child’s birth certificate.

 Where you can apply for a passport

The application for the issue can present at the following offices in the place of residence or domicile or stay to apply passport:

  • police headquarters;
  • the passport office of the police station;
  • the Carabinieri station;
  • the post office;
  • the municipal office.

The passport request for Italians residing abroad come back upstairs

However, italians residing abroad, if they register with the AIRE of an Italian municipality to apply passport, can request the issue of their passport at the Consulate General of Italy of the State in which they reside.

To issue a passport, Italian citizens residing abroad must contact their Consulate with the following documentation:

– passport application form, completed and signed by the person concerned to apply passport;

– expired passport (in case of renewal);– So,  in the presence of minor children, consent of the other parent (if the parent a citizen of a country of the European Union, a photocopy of a valid identity document must attach to apply passport – the photocopy must contain personal data and signature of the owner. For all other countries the presence of the other parent requires);

– two passport-size photographs;

– however, a residence permit, or a certificate proving the effective domicile in the district to which one belongs to apply passport or the identity card issued by the state in which one resides.

How to renew your passport

Even the passport renewal must request on the appropriate form to apply passport. The documentation required for the request must contain:

  • the request signed by the interested party;
  • the electronic stamp for the passport;
  • the signature of the consent of the other spouse in the event that there are minor children;
  • Therefore, the signature of both spouses if the applicant is a minor;
  • the expiring passport;
  • the authorization of the tutelary judge if the applicant is:
  1. a) However, the separated parent with minor child (ren); (see the sheet on the separation of spouses )
  2. b) natural parent with minor child / s recognized only by the natural parent; (see fact sheet on natural children )
  3. c) parent divorced with minor child (s) without the consent of the other parent (see sheet on divorce ).

So, the renewal can request at the same competent offices for the issue, namely:

  • police headquarters;
  • the passport office of the police station;
  • the Carabinieri station;
  • the post office;
  • the municipal office.

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