We retrace Bruce Lee’s thoughts and behaviors through these 11 motivational phrases ranging from leadership to personal growth. Bruce Lee Quotes These phrases represent the mind of that great master, Bruce Lee, which led him to be remembered as one of the greatest martial artists/philosophers of all time.

Who doesn’t know Bruce Lee?: Bruce Lee Quotes

Who was Bruce Lee? An actor? An artist? A teacher of life? Indeed all these things together and much more.

One of a kind, Bruce Lee was certainly not an ordinary character. Attracted to any discipline  (boxing, fencing, Kung Fu, weightlifting), his goal was to bridge the gap between physical training and mental/spiritual preparation.

In a sense, he can be considered a   martial philosopher. In addition to fighting itself, he also devoted himself to religions and philosophy. He became an actor to bring both his practical and philosophical teachings to the general public.

On July 20, 1973, he died prematurely and left us a great legacy of knowledge and wisdom. Bruce Lee is, in fact, the model of success par excellence.

This article retraces Bruce Lee’s thinking through some of his highly motivational sentences to fully understand their hidden meaning.

The ultimate purpose is to remember them and put them into practice in our everyday life because, just as he preached, form and patterns imprison strength and freedom.

That’s why his philosophy doesn’t just apply to combat but can also be exercised in life, business and leadership.

11 motivational quotes from Bruce Lee to draw inspiration from

1) The goal is not only to destroy the opponent but, above all, to overcome one’s anxiety, anger, the madness that is inherent in each of us. Jeet Kune Do is, above all, a weapon against ourselves and against what disturbs our spirit.

Our mind represents the biggest obstacle in achieving our dreams, projects, and goals.

The awareness of this certainty offers us the possibility of glimpsing our defects, our most intimate fears, and our limitations.

Only in this way will we have the opportunity to make those adjustments that can bring radical changes to our lives.

So the first thing to do is to know that your ultimate goal is not to achieve a particular purpose or reach a specific goal: win ourselves and do it every day of your life.

2) The fighter must only think about the fight. He doesn’t have to look back or around him. He has to overcome the obstacles that face him in all ways: emotionally, physically, and intellectually. One teaching of Jeet Kune Do is not to look back. Jeet Kune Do proceeds straight towards its goal without looking back.

The past is the past, and there is nothing you can do to change it. The future has not yet been written. The present, therefore, is the essential thing you need to think about.

The “here and now” represents all the choices you are making now that will impact your future, whether you want to or not.

As Bruce Lee says, to carry you forward and ” overcome the obstacles that arise in all ways, that is emotionally, physically, intellectually, ” the only way you have is to be proactive.

Stephen Covey defines a proactive attitude as ” the initiative and sense of responsibility needed to make things happen. “

By having this kind of attitude, you are the captain of your soul, and it is your responsibility to guide you in the direction of your happiness.

Do not let yourself be clouded by the results you have had in the past but give yourself a chance every day to be different and to behave differently.

Each day represents a new beginning… The beginning of something that can have a significant impact on your whole life, because everything starts like this: “from the very small.”

3) Do not depend on the judgment of others to be happy.

Again, Bruce Lee unwittingly emphasizes the concept of proactivity.

If you hand your happiness into someone else’s hands, you will be imprisoned in that person’s hands. The only one responsible for your life and how you act and react to life itself is you.

Each person represents a world unto himself, with belief systems and convictions different from yours, with a way of seeing things radically different from yours.

It is normal to suffer the judgment of others. Thank you quotes What it is not, however, is to depend on the review of others.

People will always find something wrong with you, and it will always be like that. Knowing this, it is useless to give others power because they will have you in their grip by doing so.

Take back your power and be like water: every judgment you suffer, let it slide until it disappears.

Any of those judgments are worthless, and you shouldn’t allow them to have any impact on you.

4) Stop making comparisons and live in the real. Only in this way will you live in peace.

Our ultimate goal is to live in peace. It is not a cliché, but it is the actual reality of things. Making comparisons with those who live in a better situation than ours is not only not helpful but blocks us from achieving our results by preventing us from acting.

Thinking things like “I will never be like him/her” or “I will never be able to achieve his / her success” is useless.

When comparing ourselves to someone, we should never forget that we have not lived in his footsteps, we have not had the same experiences, and we have not lived in the same context.

What can we do then? Act with what you have in the here and now. Once you understand that comparing yourself takes strength away from your dreams, stop your mind from fueling these false beliefs.

You must always tell yourself: “I start. You never know where I can go”. This is the essence of success.

All the people in the Models of Success project did not know how to act and where they would go, but they started from where they were (some from a shallow point), continued to believe in their dream persevered when things got right. Bad.

This is the recipe for success: start, continue, persevere and achieve.

Because if you start, continue, and persevere, in the end, you always reach.

5) The purpose of every human being is personal fulfillment.

We were born to evolve and have a purpose of accomplishing. We live this earthly experience to be the best part of ourselves on this journey we call life.

Every man on earth has a purpose: to develop his maximum potential. The first thing to do is to have mental clarity about what you want to become. This is the hardest part.

Arnold Schwarzenegger said: ” Very, very deeply you have to ask yourself who you want to become,” and he has a lot of clarity, seeing all the results he has achieved.

You, too, must do so knowing that you are alive not to breathe, Bruce Lee Quotes eat and sleep but to realize yourself and your full potential.

6) The true art of Jeet Kune Do is to simplify.: Bruce Lee Quotes

Search for the essentials in every aspect of your life. It is a question of focus, but it is also challenging to put into practice.

Our mind tends to complicate any situation, idea, goal to the nth degree.

Bruce Lee’s art, on the other hand, teaches that to reach our goal, we must always take the direct path.

It could be said that this sentence by Bruce Lee is very reminiscent of the Pareto principle (or 80/20 principle), which states that most of the effects are due to a small number of causes.

This means that there are very few actions that can make a difference in every context we live in.

On the other hand, we focus on a multitude of things that bring little or no results.

This applies to our life, our businesses, our work, and everything else.

To simplify and remember that with 20% of your activities, you will go 80% of the way to reach your goal. You must, therefore, identify the 20% of activities that can produce that 80% of results and eliminate the rest.

7) The truth has no way of its own. It is alive and therefore changeable.

The nine is at the same time a 6. Bruce Lee Quotes The six is at the same time a 9. What changes is only the observer’s point of view, but both symbols constitute a truth for the observer?

What is true for me may not be accurate for you and vice versa, but my or your truth is not necessarily wrong, quite the opposite.

Always remember that the ways of truth do not have one direction but are multidirectional.

8) Will makes men. Perseverance leads to success. Everything is in persistence. Power can only be created and maintained through daily practice and continuous effort.

The difference between those who reach a goal and those who don’t is that the former persevere (despite everything) in achieving that goal.

Lack of perseverance is often one of the leading causes of failure.

Persevering is a habit, and as such, Mental health quotes it can (and must) be developed. Helping to develop this virtue is knowing in advance that there will be obstacles in your path.

It is almost a natural law. When you have to achieve something important to you, it is mathematically certain that you will find walls to overcome, obstacles to overcome, failures to face.

All the reference models of the Success Models project, without exception, met resistance before reaching success.

What enabled them to overcome them was pure and simple perseverance.

Now that you know that you will always encounter obstacles on your path, do not be fooled but be prepared, mentally speaking, not to be discouraged but to persevere despite everything.

Success is right there, one step away from you.

9) Happiness is excellent for the body, but pain strengthens the spirit and is a great teacher: Bruce Lee Quotes

The only way we have to learn is from pain. We are programmed to try it and learn from it.

If nature has programmed us in this way, Bruce Lee Quotes it means that pain, suffering, be it physical or mental, we need.

There is nothing useless in nature, and pain is the only tool we have to develop our strength.

One example is resilience. Resilience, a typical property of metals, consists of absorbing a shock without breaking; the same concept applied to our mind means the ability of an individual to overcome a problematic event or period.

In both cases, it is a pain, but only human beings can benefit from it by becoming more robust than they were before.

What doesn’t kill you strengthens you. Remember this in times of trouble, and remember that those times are there to give you a chance to demonstrate how strong you can become.

10) You can never call the wind, but you can leave the window open

You have to be prepared when the wind comes into your room because sooner or later, it will happen.

It is the preparation that meets opportunity. Then have an open attitude towards life.

Say more yes to daily opportunities, however small they may seem to you.

You don’t know what life can put in your hands if you give it a chance.

11) What is defeat? Nothing but education, the first step towards something better: Bruce Lee Quotes

There is no such thing as failure. There is only feedback.

This was the approach that Thomas Edison also had, an extremely result-oriented approach that admitted no failures but only training towards the goal to be achieved.

Always remember that the saying is “making mistakes you learn” and not “making mistakes you give up.”

Some too many people give up the whole project at the first obstacles and the first failures. In doing so, they miss out on precious opportunities.

So, as you climb towards your goal, remember that failure is not the end but the beginning of something better and moves you further towards realizing your dreams.

Models of Success: Bruce Lee Quotes

The  Success Templates are sets of rules  ( things to do, something to remember, actions, behaviors, ways of thinking ) extrapolated from the figures analyzed. Bruce Lee Quotes They have produced the same results winning. Therefore, if assimilated,  Love quotes for him  followed, and made your own, these rules allow you to replicate the same results.

Here are some winning behaviors you can have in your life to improve your results:

  • The first real enemy we have to fight is our mind. There, our deepest fears and limitations lurk. Fight your imperfections every day.
  • The past is the past, and there is nothing you can do to change it. The future has not yet been written. The present, therefore, is the essential thing you need to think about. Bruce Lee Quotes Live in the “here and now.”
  • If you hand your happiness into someone else’s hands, you will be imprisoned in that person’s hands. Happiness depends only on you and never on anyone or anything else.
  • Making comparisons with those who live in a better situation than ours is not only not helpful but blocks us from achieving our results by preventing us from acting. Start doing what you can with what you have.
  • Every man on earth has a purpose: to develop his maximum potential.
  • Use the Pareto principle (or the 80/20 principle), which says that most effects are due to a small number of causes. This means that there are very few actions that can make a difference in every context we live in. Identify those actions that make a difference and focus on just that. Use this principle in every context of your life.
  • Remember: the nine is at the same time a 6. Bruce Lee Quotes The six is at the same time a 9. What changes is only the observer’s viewpoint, but both symbols constitute a truth for the observer?
  • The difference between those who reach a goal and those who don’t is that the former persevere (despite everything) in achieving that goal. Lack of perseverance is often one of the leading causes of failure.
  • Pain is the only tool we have to develop our strength. Remember this when you are faced with situations that will cause you pain.
  • It is the preparation that meets opportunity. Then have an open attitude towards life. Say more yes to daily opportunities, however small they may seem to you. You don’t know what life can put in your hands if you give it a chance.
  • There is no such thing as failure. There is only feedback.

Patterns of Success are small and simple pieces of information that can drastically change your life if assimilated and made your own. The secret of success? It is that there are no secrets but only ways of being, doing and thinking.