Robin Williams, born on 21 July 1951 in Chicago (USA), died during the night between 11 and 12 August in Tiburon (USA). Robin Williams Quotes The American actor moved the world of cinema with his masterful interpretation in the film “The fleeting moment”, but is also remembered for films such as “Will Hunting“, “Mrs Doubtfire“, “Patch Adams” and “Beyond of dreams “.
The famous phrases and famous aphorisms of Robin Williams and the characters he played
I know that at the end of our life we all find ourselves remembering the good times and forgetting the less good ones, and we find ourselves thinking about the future. We begin to worry and think: “What am I going to do? Who knows where I’ll be ten years from now?” But I tell you: “Here look at me!” Please don’t worry so much, because none of us are allowed to stay so long on this earth. Life slips away from us and if by any chance you are depressed, look up at the summer sky with the stars scattered in the velvety night, when a shooting star will dart in the darkness of the night with its glow, make a wish and think of me. Make Your Life Spectacular – Jack Charles Powell (Robin Williams) from the movie “Jack”
If I asked you about art, you would probably quote me all the art books ever written. Michelangelo, you know so many things about him, his works, his political aspirations, him and the Pope, his sexual tendencies. But I bet you can’t tell me what the Sistine Chapel smells like. You’ve never been there with your head facing that beautiful ceiling. Never seen! If I asked you about women, Robin Williams Quotes you would probably give me a compendium of your preferences. But you can’t tell me what it’s like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. If I asked you about love, you would probably tell me a sonnet. But Watching a Woman You Have Never Been Entirely Vulnerable – Professor Sean (Robin Williams) from the movie “Will Hunting”
Music in the Heart
It’s like he’s calling me. Only some of us hear? Only a few of us listen – Maxwell “Wizard” Wallace (Robin Williams) from the movie “Music in the Heart”
Family photos feature smiling faces: births, weddings, holidays, children’s birthday parties. Photographs are taken in the happy moments of one’s life, anyone who browses a photo album would conclude that we have lived a happy and serene existence without tragedies, no one takes a photograph of something they want to forget – (Robin Williams) from the movie “One Hour Photo”
Only in dreams are men truly free, it has always been like this and it will be forever – Professor John Keating (Robin Williams) from the film “The fleeting moment”
We all want to be accepted but you have to believe. That your thoughts are unique and yours. Even if to others they seem strange and unpopular. As Frost said: “I found two roads in the woods and I chose the one less traveled by, and that’s why I’m different” – Professor John Keating (Robin Williams) from the film “The fleeting moment”
We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is full of passion. Bruce lee quotes that Medicine, law, Economics Assignment Help, and engineering are noble professions, necessary for our livelihood. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are the things that keep us alive – Professor John Keating (Robin Williams) from the film “The fleeting moment”
The Fugitive Moment
I noticed that there was something in the air because during the filming of the last scene. The one in which the boys get on the desks to greet the professor. One of the truck drivers of the crew, one full of tattoos, even on the eyelids, he had put to cry like a calf. “The fleeting moment” is a film that touches the inside. It’s about passion, about creativity, about all those things that people aspire to but rarely get to accomplish – Robin Williams on the film “The Fugitive Moment”
I find it strange this habit of the American press – which is also of the Studios – of classifying actors by categories according to their commercial value. It reminds me of the slave market: “How much is this slave worth? Wash him and take him to my tent!” – Robin Williams
Cricket is baseball at Valium – Robin Williams
Cocaine is God’s way of saying you’re making too much money – Robin Williams
If you can remember the sixties it means you didn’t really live them – Robin Williams
Robin Williams: 5 sentences to reflect
We know Robin Williams thanks to his role as an actor . Some of his most famous films are The Fugitive Moment , Will Hunting-rebel genius and Mrs Doubtfire , which still thrill the public today for the depth of their message. Today we want to share with you some phrases of Robin Williams that will give us not only food for thought, but also the opportunity to get to know him better.
Although Robin Williams apparently had a perfect life, on 11 August 2014 he was found dead in the house after he hanged himself. This fact left all his fans shocked, until Susan Schneider, his last wife, declared that the actor suffered from Parkinson’s disease and that the diagnosis had affected him to the point of probably leading to suicide. Below we see some quotes he left us.
Quotes by Robin Williams
1. Feeling alone even when you are among others
I thought the worst thing in life was being alone. It is not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.
Robin Williams admits some sadness, but at the same time he leaves us a great truth. Who has never felt alone even though surrounded by so many people? Often experiencing this feeling can be a symptom of a great inner emptiness or that we are not in the company of the right people.
This feeling is common to many people with low self-esteem and this can lead them to isolate themselves in an attempt to protect themselves. Thank you quotes Robin Williams Quotes Well, as bad as loneliness can be, the worst part is being surrounded by people we can’t find a connection with. In these circumstances, it might be helpful to ask ourselves if we have surrounded ourselves with people who can bring us added value or not.
2. Learn from your mistakes
There is a lot to learn and there are always great things out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.
Robin Williams’ second quote prompts us to step out of our comfort zone
Mistakes help us improve, know how far we can go and improve certain aspects of our life. Let’s imagine if we were never wrong: we would hardly progress, we would be rather trapped in our situation.
3. Live intensely
Today will not return. Live every moment intensely.
To live intensely, we don’t have to take a trip or something out of the ordinary. You can live to the fullest by starting to appreciate the time we spend with our loved ones, Robin Williams Quotes giving value to every moment and savoring it to the fullest. Love quotes for him As well as giving the right value to money, to the roof over our heads or to that delicious lunch we have on the table. Being grateful and enjoying what we take for granted will help us live with greater intensity.
4. We are masters of ourselves
Being a master of myself. This would be better than any magic and any treasure in the world.
No teacher is as good as ourselves. We have something really valid in our hands, but whose value we often underestimate ourselves.
5. Having too much and not knowing how to handle it
Cocaine is God’s way of saying you’re making too much money.
The last quote from Robin Williams tells us about one of the phases in which drugs and alcohol were the protagonists of his life.
Resourceful people
All these phrases by Robin Williams bring us closer to this actor who at 63 decided to take his own life .