What is kekw. Meaning, abbreviation, definition, Twitch emote
KEKW: intention, purpose, twitch emote
KEKW shows a zoomed-in picture of Spaniard El Risitas (bourgeois Juan Joya Borja). El Risitas became an internet phenomenon in 2015 when he laughed. (You can find him very quickly on the search engines if you search for “laughing man meme.”) Countless Internet users created memes and videos with his laughter to make fun of something or someone.
In 2015 a video recording of him from 2007 spread. In this recording, he was in the Spanish show “Ratones Coloraos” with Jesus Quintero. He told a funny anecdote about his youth and began to laugh shrill and persistent.
“KEKW” is used as a reaction emote when someone has to laugh heartily at something. It is unclear whether he is laughing at an event, at another, or himself. It is also possible that Twitch chat participants use “KEKW” to make fun of a streamer who has embarrassingly failed in one way or another.
KEKW: Distribution, history
This KEKW became famous in September 2019.
KEKW was creats by FrankerFaceZ user Casual. He was editing a picture of El Risitas laughing. He zoom in so that only the face could see. Everything else cannot see, including the hair and neck.
What does the “w” mean in KEKWs? meaning
“ Kek ” actually means something else, not Juan Joya Borja. “Keke” is an insult and implies that someone is a “failure” or “coward.”
The “w” in KEKWs has no clear meaning. The editors of MeaningOnline.de suspect that the “w” is an abbreviation for “wide,” for “what,” or for “wow.”
The “wide” would refer to the image section but is not correct in this case. The picture was not stretch out. It was zoom-in.
The “what” or “wow” are a better fit, as they express astonishment and surprise. This would mean “KEKW” means “Kek, what?” Or “Kek, wow.”