When you reach some particular age point of your life, your thoughts, questions, and wishes change. For instance, your only wish is to get some toys and spend time with your parents in childhood. When you grew older, your wishes and aims changed with time.

will you marry me

Who Will Do I Marry?

In the same way, when you become an adult, you have always a wish to marry a girl with whom you are in love. If you have not fallen in love yet, you have to choose a girl according to your desires. The main question that comes in your mind while thinking about marriage is what qualities your wife should have.

Moreover, you always look for the best girl as your wife according to your imagination. In the same way, a girl also needs a perfect husband who cares about her feelings at all times. In short, the most important question in this regard is who will I marry?

You are at the right place to get a particular and loveable answer to the above question. Here we are going to tell you about some qualities that a wife and husband should have to become a perfect partner.


who will i marry

What Qualities Do You Look Before Marriage?

Many people think that the only thing they have to look for before marriage is bank balance and status in society. But it is not such an important factor that decides either you have to marry that person or not.

The most important quality you have to look for is the feelings and sensitivity of the partner. The best partner for living a happy and admirable life is one who always cares for you. He should always have a specific place for you in your heart.

His heart should be cleared like water because surety on the character is the main key for a happy and memorable life. The partner will have enough temper to maintain love feelings even in times of hurdles and difficulties. In short, the most important quality is a sense of love and care for you.

Where Would Your Ideal Date Take Place

Is Understanding Necessary For A Happy Married Life?

When you are searching for Who will I marry? Then understanding is an important factor you have to look properly. Understanding can make your life full of happy and memorable moments. Without this, you can only spend a life but do not be able to live it happily.

It is also called the core of married life because it can either make both partners close to each other or push them away. So, you should marry that guy who always understands your position and tries to handle it.

He should be one who always supports you in every field of life. In this way, you will live a happy life and no one dare to touch you in your life.

For getting much quality information, you can scroll down this page and look for some messages. These messages will give you an answer about who will I marry? We hope you will get proper and precise information about your concern instantly.

wedding destination

What Is Your Favorite Kind of Flowers?

A. Roses

B. Tulips

C. Hydrangeas

D. Orchids

What Is Your Favorite Animal?

A. Bird

B. Dog

C. Tiger

D. Elephant

What Is One Of Your Hobbies?

A. Drawing

B. Exercising

C. Working

D. Cooking


Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?

A. Yes, definitely

B. Not really

C. Not at all

D. Yes, I think so

Where Would Your Ideal Date Take Place?

A. At a cafe

B. At the park

C. At a restaurant

D. At my place

marriage day