Selecting the right device to enhance your weed smoking experience can certainly be difficult, especially now, given that there are so many options. New types of apparatuses seem to be popping up on the market frequently, and you just can’t seem to decide what would be right for you. Read more on the different smoking methods and their effects, as that could help you choose a device type.

Bongs come in a variety of shapes and styles, and some are bound to be better than others. Style isn’t, or at least it shouldn’t be, your main concern here, though. You want to get smooth hits and the perfect smoking experience, which is why considering those bongs with percolators could be a wise move. Let’s first learn what they are.

What Is A Bong With Percolator?

Although you may not understand what a percolator is, you’ll definitely feel its impact if you try a bong with and without it. Seasoned smokers have figured this out already, which is why percolators have become a huge part of their smoking sessions, impacting their quality. They are not required in a bong, but they have become a sort of a standard, and you’ll easily be able to find and buy them should you decide to do so.

A percolator is practically a contraption for your bong that aim at cooling the smoke down and provides for extra filtration. It is their doing that the water isn’t splashing in your mouth, and they are also responsible for providing you with those smooth and clean hits. Those clean hits lead to much less coughing, which is an unpleasant part of the smoking experience that we all want to avoid.

This should help you get to know the devices better:

The perc is located either at the base or in the tube of the device and it represents a small glass contraption through which water passes, creating a filter. If your bong has a perc, you’ll notice the smoke being diffused in small bubbles when you inhale, producing that interesting, bubbling sound smokers enjoy. The bubbles actually increase the surface through which the smoke will travel, which gives it more time to cool down and filter out any impurities. That’s basically how bongs with percolators work.

Should You Use It?

Most smokers will tell you that a perc is an essential part of their sessions and that they can’t go without it. They are basically beneficial to the overall experience, and you’ll want to know about the benefits so as to decide if you want to use it yourself. Positive aspects are wide, and I’ll now tell you about some of those.

First things first, percolators represent an extra layer of filtration for your bong. Smooth filtration is one of the main reasons why people prefer smoking weed this way instead of rolling it up in a joint. That extra filtration step provided by the percolator will provide for an even smoother experience, but the hits will also be stronger.

The fact that the hits are smoother will allow you to take larger inhales, so your highs will feel more intense. Plus, there’ll be no scratching at the back of your throat, due to all the impurities being filtered out. The smoother experience and the more intense highs are among the main reasons why people shop percolator bongs instead of those that don’t have a perc.

There’s also another benefit to the extra layer of filtration. Basically, your hit will get stripped off all the nasty toxins that you will definitely want to avoid when smoking. Before the smoke hits your lungs, it will pass through another spot in the bong that collects even more residue, thus getting rid of those harmful toxins that could have a negative impact on your health. So, it’s not only the more enjoyable, but also the healthier option.

What To Consider When Choosing?

There are different types of perc bongs, featuring different styles and functions, some of which work best on their own, while some need to be used in combination with others. Some are also better suited to your needs, while you could find others lacking in certain aspects. Considering the right factors when choosing this device is of utmost importance, and I’ll now tell you what to keep in mind.

  1. The Size

The size you’ll choose depends on nothing else but your personal wishes. Traveling will be easier with a smaller one, but a larger one will look amazing at parties if you’re planning at throwing some at your home. You can, of course, experiment and get different sizes, each of which will fulfill one or more of your smoking needs.

  1. The Hit Type You Want

While it’s clear that smoother hits are a benefit of percolators (find out more about those), you should know that different ones still provide for different smoking experiences. Lots of chambers and multiple percolators could provide you with the ultimate experience, and with stronger hits. Consider the chambers, then, and pick the option that aligns with the type of hit that you actually want.

  1. Combination Or Standalone

Above I’ve hinted at the fact that some of these devices work best alone, and some need to be combined with others. If you’re going for just one, make sure to find the one that will work great alone, and that won’t be have to combined with anything. Standalone options are usually the norm, but make sure to check that before buying.

  1. Your Cleaning Commitment

Your bong needs to be cleaner properly and regularly, if you want it to keep on functioning perfectly and providing you with the best experience. Not everyone is as committed to cleaning as the next guy, though. So, think about how committed you’ll be, and be honest about it, and if you find that this is a tedious task that you won’t like completing, go for a bong that is extremely easy to clean. If you’re ready to commit yourself to this task, however, then you don’t even need to think of this criterion. Whatever the case, cleanliness shouldn’t be disregarded.