To maintain your electrical installation, you need to check the plugs periodically. If one of them presents a problem, it is best to address it as soon as possible. This post explains how to change the plug step by step. In the following article, we get to know about How to wire a plug? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

When changing the old mechanism for the new one, the first step is to turn off the general light in the house to avoid any risk of electric shock. Therefore, it is necessary to change to have visibility thanks to sunlight.

How to wire a plug

1 Remove the old plug frame

 This piece is fixed under pressure, and its extraction is carried out in the same way. You can insert the screwdriver’s tip between the outlet frame and the wall for leverage.

2 Unscrew the old plug and cap

First, unscrew the center cap, which is the plug itself. It is usually provided with a screw in the center that you have to unscrew. Then you will have to remove the mechanism where the cover is embedded. It usually has two screws on the sides, one on the left and one on the right, hooked directly to the universal box. When you loosen the screws, you will see that the mechanism is already hanging outside the wall and with the cables attached.

3 Disconnect the cables

To disconnect the cables, pay attention to the connection system. The terminals are small levers placed on the back of the mechanism in the area where the cable is connected. To release the mechanism, you must squeeze these levers, and this pressure will cause the cable to come out. Repeat this operation with the three cables, two above and one below.

  •  Phase: it is the blue or black cable at the top.
  • Neutral: The brown wire is also located at the top.
  •  The ground connection is the green and yellow cable located in the lower part.

4 Connect the cables to the new mechanism

 Have both parts of the new socket on hand: the loose mechanism and the frame. Take the mechanism first to connect it to the wires. You will need to place two cables at the top and one at the bottom:

 The blue/black cable is inserted into the hole marked with the letter L for the line.

 The brown wire is inserted into the letter N for neutral.

 The green and yellow wire is inserted into the lower hole.

The procedure is simple: insert the cable into the hole that remains, release the lever and check that it has been securely fastened. When making the change, make sure there are no loose copper wires left.

5 Insert the mechanism in the embedding box

However, to fit the mechanism, insert the mechanism into the hole in the wall, making sure that the long cables are folded at the back. Check that the cables have been left inside and none are coming out.

6 Screw in the new mechanism

Once the mechanism has been fitted, you must put the screws on the sides of the universal box back. So, normally it has two small holes at each end, where the screws should fit.

7 Attach the frame and cover if you prefer to use a trim

Once the mechanism is installed, all that remains is to place the plug cover and its corresponding frame.

Thats it, you have done it perfectly.

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