You need to be aware of when to take or check your blood pressure, sometimes it rises, and sometimes it’s low, because of which you check your blood pressure level. In the following article, we get to know about How to take blood pressure? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

Before taking it, you need to be aware of why it rises and it’s low so that you can control these things. Let’s discuss them first.

Your blood pressure rises because of several factors or causes, such as;

  1. Obesity.
  2. Extra intake of salt.
  3. Extra intake of alcohol.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Not getting enough sleep.
  6. Age above 60.
  7. Genetics.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. High cholesterol.
  10. Stress etc.

Now, we’ll discuss the causes of low blood pressure;

  1.                   Pregnancy.
  2.                 Blood loss.
  3.                   Dehydration.
  4.                 Heart problems.
  5.                 Lack of nutrients.
  6.                   Allergic reaction.
  7.                   Infection.
  8.                 Temperature.
  9.                     Stress.
  10.                   Fear or anxiety.

So, these are the certain Conditions of your high and low blood pressure.

It’s not always compulsory to go to a doctor, you can try it home by yourself and though it’s not that difficult to do. So, firstly we’ll discuss some of the tips you need to follow before starting the procedure.

  1. Sit in a quiet place so that you can hear your heartbeat.
  2. It’s better to take the pressure from the left arm.
  3. Rest there for 10 minutes.
  4. Sit up straight for the procedure.

Now we’ll tell you about taking your blood pressure with a digital or manual blood pressure monitor. So; you need to follow the following steps;

  1. Firstly you have to locate the pulse using the index and middle finger.
  2. String the sleeve end through the metal circle and slide the sleeve on your arm, ensuring that the stethoscope head is over the artery.
  3. Now put the stethoscope in your ears.
  4. The next step is different for the digital and manual ones, so if you are using a manual monitor.

Bottom Line

Hold the bulb to check the rate in the left hand and press the pressure instrument with the right one. Turn the screw clockwise and press the cuff; you’ll hear the pulse rate. Keep on pushing and seeing the bulb until it rises from 30. Now lose the pressure. Now note the pace when you have started hearing the heartbeat and completely disappeared. This will be your systolic and diastolic pressure.

1 Now, If you are using a digital one, the procedure will vary a little. As;

2 Hold the machine and press the power button. Squeeze the bulb for inflating, and if it’s automatic, press start and then note the systolic and diastolic pressure, which will appear on left and right, and the pulse rate will also appear.

3. Record the rate of your blood pressure.

So, here you have learned the whole procedure of taking your blood pressure. So, whenever you feel like there is an increase or decrease in your blood pressure. Try to seek out by yourself.

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