Nosebleed or epistaxis is when delicate blood vessels are damaged in the nose, and blood comes out. Here we will discuss stopping a nosebleed, some different causes of nosebleeds, and tips and remedies to stop and cure them.

Causes of nosebleed

  • Nasal surgery
  • Air travel
  • chemotherapy
  • Polyps
  • High blood pressure
  • Sinusitis
  • Blowing nose with force
  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Chronic illness
  • Some drugs

Remedies to stop a nosebleed

Sit upright

The first thing you need b to do as soon as you see blood coming out of your nose is to sit upright and stay calm because most people get worried when they see blood. Do not lie immediately after you see your nose bleeding.


Place ice on the bridge of the nose for some time. It is really helpful to stop bleeding since it constricts the blood vessels.

Pour cool water on the head.

Coldwater is also one of the best remedies because nose bleeding is common in summers due to high temperatures, and cold water stop this blood loss. You can take water and pour it on that person’s header. Keep his/her head under a cold water tap until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding is due to extreme heat, increase liquid intake since it is beneficial for your health.


Pinching the soft tissue on both sides of the nose is another good remedy for stopping blood. Keep pinching for at least 5 minutes.


Increase your water intake if you are suffering from nose bleeding. Dryness causes vessels to rupture, and blood starts coming out, so drink daily water. Your overall health must drink 8-9 glasses of water per day to keep you hydrated and fresh.


Saltwater is the best antibacterial. It moistens the inner membranes of the nose since one of the biggest reasons for nose bleeding is dryness. Take a cup of water and add one tablespoon of salt to it. Mix it very well, and your solution is ready now, take a dropper and put drops in your nose or wash your nose with this saline water. After nasal surgery, medical specialists also use this saltwater mixture to clean a patient’s nose.

Avoid blood thinners

Some blood thinners are dangerous for your health, and they can be the biggest reason for nose bleeding. Avoid such medications and consult a good doctor and ask him to prescribe medicines with less or no side effects.

Avoid touching nose 

Some people are habitual of touching and picking their noses. This is a bad habit and may cause damage to vessels, and then bleeding starts. Nose Bleeding can be treated at home with the remedies mentioned above and by breaking bad habits like nose-picking. It is not a serious disease or something to worry about, but if you have frequent nose bleeding, then it is better to consult a doctor and know the real reason behind it and get it cured as soon as possible.

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