The cold unfortunately represents in all its forms, an obligatory app to interrupt daily activities by dedicating a sufficient time window to recovery. In this article, we read about How to stop a runny nose?

What remedies can be helpful in making colds more manageable?

There are different types, with mechanical remedies, nutraceutical remedies and preventive remedies.

Mechanical remedies to stop a runny nose

They represent the first type of approach, do not generally show contraindications and can be repeated several times during the day. What do they consist of in practice? In the mechanical washing of the nasal cavities, which can be carried out with a physiological solution, purified seawater or thermal water, either by withdrawing the fluid with a syringe and irrigating directly from the nostrils (obviously taking care to remove the needle) or with preloaded inhalers. The difference between these sources lies in the potentially achievable effects, in fact, if a physiological solution carries out a simple washing the seawater shows a more fluidifying effect, an effect made maximum in the thermal waters due to the minerals dissolved in them.

Nutraceutical remedies to stop a runny nose

There are several nutraceuticals that can improve the course or in any case reduce the symptoms of colds. Among these, a role of primary importance play by those with balsamic effects such as extracts of eucalyptus, mint, sage, etc. These help to decongest the mucous membranes and make the mucus more fluid, facilitating its elimination. Also very interesting is the extract of propolis with its well-known antimicrobial properties and that of grapefruit seeds, useful by virtue of its anti-infective effects.

Remedies of a preventive nature to stop a runny nose

Prevention also in these cases represents an important modality of intervention. The stimulants of the immune system, such as the extracts of echinacea. And those obtained from the polysaccharides of various mushrooms, prove to be particularly interesting in this sense. Even more innovative are the approaches that involve the use of probiotics. For the throat and the oral cavity in general. These remedies start from the premise of physically occupying the mucous membranes with “good” bacteria. Capable of preventing or at least limiting the possibility of infection by pathogenic microorganisms. All these solutions must generally implement at least 3 months. Before the most critical season from the point of view of the cold. Assuming the products in question for a period of at least 60-90 days.

The set of suggested remedies can facilitate the management of colds in all. Their forms and manifestations, helping to face these periods with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

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