Are you uncomfortable with your friends due to itching in your head? If you scratch your head every time in the gatherings, it will make you feel less. To make it under your control first, you have to know what lice are, why it is produced, and how to remove them. In the following article, we learn how to remove lice from hair permanently? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

The louse is a small insect found on the scalp of humans. It sucks blood from the scalp of humans. It comes by closing your head to the person who already has lice in their head. So, it also comes by using another comb or any other tool for your hair. It is formed when a female louse lays eggs called nits to remove lice from hair permanently.

Symptoms of having lice:

What are lice?

To do any treatment, you should know the symptoms of that particular thing. Here are some signs of having lice in your scalp to remove lice from hair permanently.

  • Itching in your hair.
  • When you gently feel something moving in your hair.
  • When you see nits (eggs of a female louse) around your neck or a shoulder.

Note: Keep in mind that there is a difference between dandruff and lice. Dandruff is tiny particles that can be removed by oils or taking care of your hairs. But lice are an insect that oils can’t remove. It needs special treatment to remove lice from hair permanently.

How to remove lice permanently:

 To remove lice permanently from your hairs, follow the following mentioned steps:

1) To remove these lice, there is a complete medical treatment. This treatment has a medicine called pediculicide. You have to apply this medicine to your hair and then wash it permanently to remove lice from your hair. This medicine will kill all the lice in your hair. 

Warning: Don’t rewash your hair 1 to 2 days after applying for the medicine to remove lice from hair permanently. 

2) If you see any lice after applying 8 to 12 hours of treatment, don’t apply for this medicine again. Use a comb to remove those lice. 

3) Wash the clothes you were wearing before applying to medicine to permanently remove lice from hair.

4) You can also remove it by using a comb. Apply comb daily until you find that all the lice are removed.

5) Uses of particular oils can also be a cause to eliminate lice from your scalp. Such as Anise Oil is one of the most effective oils that help you remove lice from your hairs. It may kill all the lice and make you feel fresh. Olive Oil is another oil; after applying it on your scalp, lice get suffocated and prevent them from coming on your head to remove lice from hair permanently.

What are the effects of lice:

Having lice in your hair for a long time may affect your body. Following are the few effects mentioned below.

  • Having lice for a long time in your hair may damage your hair. It may damage the roots of hairs which causes hair fall. 
  • As lice feed blood. So having lice for a long time may cause blood deficiency and iron deficiency. Due to blood loss, you feel weakness in your body and causing many different diseases.

Also, read: how often should you wash your sheets.