Your face defines your attitude. So to prove yourself, your face should be fine and attractive. Are you also having blackheads? If yes, then it’s not a big issue to worry about. As pimples, we also have solutions for these blackheads. Just stick to this article to get rid of your blackheads. First, look at what blackheads are and how they are formed? In the following article, we learn how to remove blackheads? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.
What is it?
Like pimples, blackheads are also a common form of acne to remove blackheads. It makes our skin dull in the particular area where it forms to remove blackheads.
How did it form?
Blackheads are formed due to combinations of dead skin cells and oil discharged from your skin. People who have oily skins usually get blackheads. It may damage your skin if you cannot do any treatment on time.
How to remove it?
As science has progressed a lot. Now we have solutions to almost all the problems. Likewise, we have different treatments to remove blackheads. Some of them are discussed below:
Use of Vitamin A:
Vitamin A will help you to unclog your pores. Due to blackheads, your skin cells get damaged and dead to remove blackheads. But by taking Vitamin A, your skin produces new cells, which helps you remove blackheads. The question arises here that how can you take vitamin A? What are the products? For vitamin A, apply Retinoid creams and lotions to remove blackheads. But keep one thing in mind before applying these lotions, use these creams before bed or when you are out of Sun raises to remove blackheads. Because after applying these lotions, UV radiations are harmful to your skin to remove blackheads.
Use of Salicylic acid to remove blackheads:
Salicylic acid prevents your skin from dead skin cells and protects your skin from clogging oil which is the cause of forming blackheads to remove blackheads. Remember to bring those products from the pharmacy that have strength ranging from 0.5% to 5%.
Note: This acid is very powerful and can harm your skin. So please don’t use it daily to remove blackheads.
Put clay mask to remove blackheads:
Clay masks are one of the most effective treatments for your blackheads. It will prevent your skin from dead skin cells and oil clogging to remove blackheads.
Use of sulfur to remove blackheads:
Sulfur is very helpful for the prevention of blackheads. Sulfur breaks down the dead skin cells that are the cause of blackheads. In most of the clay masks, sulfur is present. So you can get sulfur from clay masks to remove blackheads.
Removing with tweezer :
Without any chemical treatment, there are some other ways of removing blackheads. The good thing is that you can apply this at home with the help of a simple tweezer to remove blackheads. What you have to do is to pluck your blackheads with the help of a tweezer. Be careful because removing blackheads can damage your skin pores’ walls.
Doctors approve all the above treatments, but some people’s skin is very sensitive. So you must need care before applying any treatment. Some people have oily skin, and some have dry skin. Check your skin reaction before using the above products.
Also read: how to remove lice from hair permanently.