Making this coffee isn’t that difficult task which will require your hard work, and there isn’t the need for so many ingredients or equipment as well, it is quite an easy one, and you can even make it perfectly at home without worrying about its taste which will surely be good. In the following article, we learn how to make cold brew coffee? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

People love to drink it in summer but have tried to make it before. It becomes something bitter and not like the one they are used to drinking, so they prefer to drink outside, but we are sharing with you the method by which you will get a very good cold brew coffee at home according to the taste of coffee restaurant you like to visit. So let’s start.

Step 1 Grinding the coffee:

So first, you need to grind the coffee beans in a grinder. But one thing while grinding should be kept in mind, it is better to grind them at home, and it must be roughly ground.

Step 2 Mix with water:

 Then mix them in water thoroughly until the beans get saturated and leave them for the night.

Step 3 Strain the coffee:

In the morning, to separate the impurities which are not dissolved, you need to strain it by using a cloth and filter, and then it is ready to drink; you can change its coldness as you prefer to by using ice or if it is too cold so you can heat it a little.

 So only in 3 steps, it’s ready.

About leaving it in water for that much time, it will help the beans extract their flavor over time. Secondly, a lot of time gets saved in the morning because everything is ready to do.

The next thing is to keep the ¼ mixture as one cup of beans and four cups of water to make a strong one taste, but it might be increased to 1/8. According to your liking or choice, you can pour ice over it to make it colder and even use it with milk or honey as you prefer.

You can store it for up to a week by pouring it into any bottle or jar.

Tips for making it taste good:

The first thing is don’t grind the beans very smoothly as it will look like mud, but grind them roughly. Otherwise, you can use any of your favorites about the choice of beans.

The second thing to keep in mind is to use filtered water to get a clean coffee.

At least keep it steep for 12 hours to get a stronger taste.

As its name is cold, it must need to be cool, so use the mugs to maintain the temperature.

Why drink cold brew coffee:

  1. It is easy to make and will require none of your skills.
  2. It is less acidic than hot coffee.
  3. You can use older beans.
  4. Has the same benefits as a hot one.
  5. Good for the stomach.

So, hope here you have learned one of the easiest methods with tips to make a cold brew coffee. Try it and enjoy it.

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