Suppose small stones happen to notice during an examination. They do not necessarily need to treat. In some cases, regular checks are sufficient. How to lose a stone in a month Prerequisite: the stones do not cause pain. Do not cause urinary infections or urinary outflow problems. Untreated urine congestion can damage the kidney.

Sometimes waiting is enough.

After consulting your doctor, you may be able to wait and see whether the stone goes off by itself with the urine. This is often the case with smaller rocks up to a size of around seven millimeters. The following measures can support the process:

  • Drink a lot unless there is a medical objection. Mineral water, for example, is well suited; diluted fruit juices can also use.
  • Lots of exercises. This can move stones in the ureter – hopping, for example. It is said to be a helpful method.
  • Certain medications suppose to make it easier to remove stones, for example, alpha-blockers such as tamsulosin. Since this active ingredient is not officially approved for this application, the advantages and disadvantages must weigh up.
  • Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or diclofenac reduce the pain. This medication must discuss with the family doctor. If the pain is very severe, pain medication through the vein will help. This usually happens in a hospital.
  • Catching stone: Sick people should see the stone with a sieve or a coffee filter bag when urinating. The stone can then examine for its components in the laboratory. This is important to prevent further stones 
  • Remove kidney stones

1) Kidney stone removal through a minor operation

Urologists remove urinary stones with the help of an endoscope, a thin, tube-like instrument. The procedure usually takes place under general anesthesia.

There are again two ways to reach the stone – through the urethra and bladder or a small incision:

-Ureterorenoscopy (URS): The straight or flexible endoscope is advanced through the urethra and bladder into the ureter and sometimes into the kidney. It provides a picture of the inside of the ureter and the renal system. The instrument has additional connections for the irrigation fluid and working channels.

– Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL): The doctors insert a puncture channel directly into the kidney through a small incision on the side below the 12th rib and then place an endoscope about the size of a pencil in the renal pelvis.

2) Destruction of kidney stones by shock waves (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ESWL)

With this therapy method, kidney or ureter stones are shattered into minor parts from the outside without contact by acoustic pressure waves (shock waves). The body can excrete this through the ureter. Treatment usually takes place without general anesthesia. However, those affected receive pain medication. The ESWL is only suitable for small stones.

Treatment method ESWL: Shock waves target the kidney stone and crush it

ESWT is a treatment method for kidney and ureter stones. It also brings relief from painful tendon and muscle diseases

What is a ureteral splint?

A thin splint may also be inserted into the ureter as part of the stone removal. It is called a ureteral splint, double J catheter, or stent. It secures the drainage of urine and protects the ureter from injuries caused by loose stone particles. The splint was placed by cystoscopy and removed on an outpatient basis after one to two weeks.

Can you dissolve kidney stones with medication?

If the stones are made of uric acid, medication may help. Uric acid stones can – depending on their size – dissolve with medication in some cases. The active ingredient allopurinol reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Changing eating habits help lower uric acid levels. In addition, those affected receive medication that makes the urine more alkaline and, ideally, removes the stone.

Urinary Stone Analysis: Why Examining the Stone Is Important 

There are different types of urinary stones. It is essential to examine the rocks in the laboratory for their components. Because the result helps to treat more precisely and to prevent further stones 

Sick people should try to catch the stone with a sieve or coffee filter every time they urinate and hand it in at the doctor’s office if the stone removes by surgery.

Kidney stones can consist of different substances, for example, calcium oxalate, brushite, apatite, struvite, uric acid, and cystine. Most stones mixe forms.

Preventing kidney stones: can you prevent kidney stones? 

Kidney stones cannot prevent entirely. However

Special diagnostics How to lose a stone in a month

Around a quarter of all people with kidney stones are at high risk of having another kidney stone. For them, unique, stone-type-specific metabolic examinations in a urinary stone center are advisable. How to lose a stone in a month This includes accurate analysis of blood and urine parameters. High-risk patients receive a tailor-made preventive concept with individual drinking and nutrition recommendations and, if necessary, medication. This will help prevent more stones from forming and protect kidney function.

Such a particular diagnosis should carried out How to lose a stone in a month

  • if essential examinations and stone analysis show an exceptionally high risk of a new kidney stone.
  • If it is uric acid stones or infection stones. Infection stones favor urinary tract infections – and vice versa. If infection stones remove. It is imperative to test the urine regularly and treat illnesses early. Most of the time, the urine is acidified with medication to slow the formation of stones.
  • If diseases such as an overactive parathyroid gland, kidney disease. Or certain gastrointestinal disorders suspect to be the cause.
  • If urinary stones occur in children or during pregnancy.

24-hour urine collection How to lose a stone in a month

For diagnostics, patients collect the urine in a particular container over 24 hours. This container usually contains a substance that stabilizes the urine. However, The urine evaluates in a laboratory. How to lose a stone in a month Individual recommendations can derive from the result.

General tips for preventing kidney stones How to lose a stone in a month

In general, the risk of new kidney stones can reduce by adjusting your lifestyle:

  • Drink enough: Drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters evenly distributed throughout the day, provided that there is no objection from a doctor’s point of view. How to lose a stone in a month It is better to avoid sweet soft drinks.
  • Moving a lot: The individually appropriate amount of physical movement is generally good and also helps prevent small kidney stones from becoming stuck in the first place.
  • Aim for average weight: Those who lose excess weight – with a balanced diet and a lot of physical activity – reduce the risk of urinary stones forming. Caution: Strict weight loss programs recommend because they can increase the risk of certain types of rocks.

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