How to get Taller: A good height is included as one of those factors that increase our confidence. Taller people tend to be better performers and happier than people of short height. Genes play an important role in deciding our height, but sometimes it is due to deficiency of nutrients or bad postures that stop growth. Usually, people grow till the age of 20 and by adopting some good habits and a healthy lifestyle they can grow fast. Here we will discuss some advantages of being tall and some tips to increase height. In the following article, we get to know about How to get Taller? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

Advantages of being tall

  • Taller people have higher IQ
  • They are happier than other people
  • The risk of diabetes gets lower
  • They are more successful
  • Favorable in volleyball, basketball, tennis, and other games.

Tips to increase height

Good nutrition is really important for our overall health. Nutritional deficiency leads to many diseases, and one disadvantage is short height. When bones lack vitamin D  and calcium, they do not grow, resulting in short height. Therefore it is necessary to take proper care of your kids’ diet. Add protein to their diet, and good protein sources are lentils, chicken, and eggs. Omega 3 in the form of fish plays an important role in increasing height. Vitamin D is vital for height, and the best source is cheese and milk. Children who do not drink milk suffer from bone diseases. Nuts must be added to their daily food. Almonds, pistachios, cashew nuts, and walnuts are rich in vitamins and minerals. You can make nuts powder and add it to one glass of milk and then make your kids drink it daily. It promotes growth hormones.


In this age of technology, people of all ages are too addicted to computers and smartphones, and this habit and this bad habit has affected their posture. Slouching and bending posture is the reason for bending the spine, and this bad posture results in short height. So it is necessary to guide your children and stop them from bending while sitting. If parents do not stop their kids from these poor habits, they feel embarrassed when they do not grow to their desired height.


Yoga plays a very important role in increasing height. Many yoga poses are highly beneficial for height. It includes bending. Cobra poses, bridge poses, and stretching. You must develop this habit in your kids from a very early age. Remind them to do yoga poses daily. After they wake up from their sleep, ask them to stretch their bodies as much as possible. It is one of those tried and tested activities that work 100%.


Exercise not only keeps us healthy and fit but also increases bone strength and aids in the production of growth hormones. Touching the roof or sky is one of the best exercises to increase height. Stand on the floor, keep your body straight and raise your hands towards the roof like you are trying to touch the roof. It straightens the spine as well as elongates it. Practicing this exercise regularly brings noticeable changes in height.


Who can deny the advantage of hanging? People with good height are often heard talking about hanging exercises since it has helped so many people to gain their desired height. Ask your kids to hang with a hanging bar daily for 15 minutes.

Pressure points

Acupressure is gaining popularity due to its huge benefits to our bodies. Certain points in our body increase the production of growth hormones. You need to press those points for 2-3 minutes daily or twice to stimulate hormones that increase your growth. 


There are various supplements available in the market that work best for growth. They can be expensive, but the results are really good. You can consult a doctor and ask them to prescribe good supplements.

Also read: how to speed up computer.