Whether rings or fine cubes – cutting onions is often not that easy. With our tips and tricks, you can get your onions into the right shape. In this article, we read about How to cut an onion?

Cutting onions is quick and easy with our tips and tricks, Photo: Food & Photo Experts.

Cutting onions is a tricky kitchen issue for many. How are the cubes tiny and delicate, or do the onion ring nicely even? And above all: What can you do to prevent watery eyes while chopping onions? We’ll show you what to look out for when cutting onions and reveal valuable tips.

Cut the onions into fine cubes.

Peel the onions, cut in half lengthways, remove the leek. Let the cuts end just before the onion root. This holds the onion together and can be easily diced through vertical and cross-cut cuts. The distance between the incisions determines the size of the cubes.

Cut the onions into onion rings.

After removing the leek, cut the peeled whole onion crosswise into even slices. The onion rings are formed by the individual layers (leaves) that can be easily pushed apart. For raw consumption, cut approx—1 mm wide rings from the onions for deep-frying or similar.

Cutting onions – practical tips and tricks

  • Some types of onion (e.g. shallots) make the eyes less watery when chopping onions.
  • At best, do not use a wooden board, as it “stores” the onion taste particularly strongly and is difficult to clean.
  • When cutting onions, it is best always to use the same board and only cut onions. Otherwise, the onion flavour will be passed on to other cuttings.

  • Vinegar on the cutting board is supposed to prevent onion fumes when chopping onions. However, the vinegar taste on the onions does not go well with all dishes. For salads & Co., which are prepared with vinegar anyway, this is an effective method against watery eyes.
  • Put onion rings or pieces in cold water to soften the spiciness after chopping the onions. Even halved onions can be soaked in water before chopping the onions to make them milder.
  • After cutting the onions, rinse your hands with cold water. This should also help prevent the onion fumes from stinging your eyes.

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