Do you feel dizzy? Sleepy? And don’t remember about last night? Wherever you go out with your friends for fun, you drink a lot with friends, and thus the next morning, you have to face headaches, vomiting and feel that you have been beaten up badly. So, these are all the symptoms of a hangover that spoils your morning and dont allow you to perform your daily tasks. But don’t worry, we have many remedies that make you feel better and forget about your hangover. In the following article, we get to know about How to cure a hangover? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.
Home remedies to get rid of a hangover
If you are wondering how to cure your or your partner’s hangover, we are to guide you on how to cure your hangover with simple natural ingredients that help you feel better.
Asparagus to cure a hangover
So, stop wandering on google to cure your hangover and use the asparagus to return to your daily routine. Yes, you will be surprised to know that asparagus is a good home remedy for your hangover. The asparagus contains the special elements, amino acids, and minerals that cure the effects of alcohol on the liver, and thus you feel good and refreshed.
The asparagus leaves are more affected than asparagus stems, but they are more difficult to find in the market because they are not eaten. So make an asparagus salad and get rid of the alcohol hangover fast.
Caffeine to cure a hangover
Caffeine is a substance present in coffee, Tea, Soda, Chocolate (cacao), Guarana, Energy, drinks, Supplements, and other foods that helps to relax our mind and body and thus relieve body pain. But it dont work against nausea and vomiting. But it cures our headache, and thus we feel better and thus think that we are now fine. However, when its effect is off, we start feeling unwell and return to the previous hangover condition. Thus, it’s not a permanent cure for hangovers.
Take hangover medication to cure a hangover
As far as medication is concerned, taking ibuprofen for a hangover is the best option. Medications are metabolized in the liver, and, during a hangover, this organ is not up for any more parties. Therefore, although paracetamol can work, it makes the liver work a lot and is less recommended. Aspirin can work, but it has a certain anticoagulant effect, which is inadequate to treat hangovers.
Take Rest to cure a hangover
You are unwell and also dont sleep last night, so it’s good to rest so that your body and mind want to rest, and after a break, you will feel good. So stay at home while sleeping and dont think about the last night you did. Sleeping is also essential to eliminate the negative and toxic effects on the body. So, take a rest and consume a healthy diet and drinks to cancel the negative effect.
Full breakfast to cure a hangover
If you wonder what to consume in a hangover, don’t think more about that. Just start eating healthy food to fill your stomach with nutrients and minerals. You also noticed that your body wants unhealthy food rich in sugars and fats. But be careful, you have to eat something light and natural. Stop dumping waste in your stomach.
The key foods to help to fight against hangovers are bacon sandwiches, orange juice, lemonade, Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast are elements that are easy to digest and helpful in hangovers. Researches prove that vitamin C is good for a hangover, so make lemonade without sugar and enjoy it.
Hummus chickpea
In one study, drinkers who took pyritinol (a form of vitamin B6) during a party had less of a hangover the next day than those who didn’t take the vitamin. Chickpeas are an excellent source of vitamin B6. So nibbling on hummus while you drink can help ward off hangovers in advance.
No doubt, water is universal power and essential for life. So, the most simple and healthy remedy for hangovers is drinking more water. As alcohol causes dehydration in our body, and thus we feel sick, headaches, nausea, and vomiting. And when you wake up, the first thing you want is water. So, start consuming more water. Also good to consume water before drinking.
The non-sugary and natural juices also help to cure. So, it’s essential to take natural fresh fruit juices made from fruit pulp. Grapes, Ginger, Lemon juice, Apple juice, Carrots, Beetroot juice, etc., are good for hangovers and help recover the body’s natural minerals and nutrients lost because of hydration. And natural fruits are a good source of cure for headaches.
Although it is not recommended, if you need to get rid of a hangover fast, there is nothing like drinking a little alcohol again. It is not a remedy against a hangover since the only thing you will achieve is to postpone the appearance of the symptoms. However, there is no doubt that it works when getting out of bed and going about your day. It is the only trick that eliminates a hangover in just a few minutes.
Ginger has not been shown to help with heaviness and headaches. However, when you need to know what to take for a homemade hangover, ginger is a good remedy to settle the stomach, that is, to avoid nausea and vomiting. If you have these symptoms, taking ginger, either directly or as an infusion can help you eat again, which is essential if you get rid of a hangover fast.
At the end
It’s good to consume less alcohol to avoid hangovers. While drinking, also Consume water to avoid dehydration.
Take small sips of alcohol. You consume less alcohol and thus don’t suffer from alcohol. When you drink large sips, you consume more alcohol and get dehydrated.
Also read: how to stop a nosebleed.