Once a week, every day or just as you feel – how often should you wash your hair without it being harmful to your scalp and hair? The excellent news is that washing your hair frequently or infrequently is not unhealthy – this applies to both women and men. And yet frequent as well as infrequent washes can have a significant impact on the structure and appearance.
Washing hair – how often a week? It all depends on the hair type!
Whether you have short or long hair, your hair type is crucial for how often you should ideally wash your hair.
Normal hair How often should you wash your hair
Is your hair neither dry nor particularly greasy or flaky? Then you are in luck because you can wash your hair as often as you want. Normal hair is frugal and can handle almost any routine, whether once a day or once a week. Try to clean your hair now and then without shampooing. The natural oiling usually makes your hair even shinier and smoother.
Dry hair How often should you wash your hair
Dry and brittle hair, on the other hand, is a bit more demanding. The following applies here: Do not wash your hair too often so as not to deprive it of additional natural oils. You should, therefore, only shampoo your hair every two to three days. It would help if you also chose an exceptionally mild shampoo for your hair washing.
Tip: If you are struggling with brittle hair and dry, you should carefully detangle and comb your hair before washing. To give your hair the necessary moisture back, you should use a mild shampoo, which you should ideally only rub in at the roots, and a conditioner and apply a special moisturizing mask for dry and stressed hair once a week.
Greasy hair
Even if you would prefer to use shampoo and co several times a day with greasy hair, you should be economical for the sake of your hair. Because washing not only removes excess oil from the hair. By massaging shampoo into your hair, you also stimulate sebum production in your scalp, thus only adding more fat to your hair. This rule also applies if you have brittle hair.
Tip: To do something against oily hair in the long term, you can also let your hair be greased out. However, this requires patience: You have to avoid washing your hair for at least four or five days, or even better, a week. Only in this way will your sebum glands become less irritated and get used to producing less fat.
How often should you wash your hair? These factors determine the ideal frequency.
In addition to your hair type, there are other factors to consider for an ideal hair wash. In turn, some of these also determine how often you should wash your hair.
Hair structure
Straight hair reacts very differently to frequent washes than curls do. Curly hair is generally known for lowering sebum levels. Here it is often enough to wash your hair once a week.
With or without shampoo? And if with, which product is best to use? Choosing a shampoo for washing your hair is a philosophy of its own. However, the following applies: adjust your shampoo and other care products to your hair type. Here you can also get advice from your trusted hairdresser. If you are struggling with dehydrated scalp or dandruff, you can also seek help in the pharmacy to find the right shampoo.
In addition, natural shampoos without preservatives, artificial surfactants, or silicones are healthier for your hair. Such additives can cause long-term damage not only to the scalp but also to your hair. You can easily make the shampoo yourself if you want to do without preservatives and silicones in the shampoo. When switching to a natural shampoo, your hair may feel a little strange at first. This is because it first has to restore a natural protective layer.
Styling and products
Your daily styling and the products you use also have a strong influence on your hair. If you use hairspray, wax, or gel every day, it isn’t easy to go without shampooing for a day at all. Nevertheless, it would be best to avoid using shampoo, at best several times a week.
Hair type, hair structure, and the choice of care and styling products: These factors provide an answer to how often you should wash your hair.
Also read: How to clean washing machine