We often say that one of the reasons drug testing is unreliable is that all drugs do not stay in the human body for the same amount of time. HOW LONG DOES COCAINE STAY IN YOUR SYSTEM? Certain drugs stay longer in urine, blood, and hair than cocaine, ice, and other effective drugs (such as marijuana).
Cocaine and its by-products usually stay in the human system for one to four days after the last use, but if the drug is used for a long time or in large amounts, these substances will stay in the system for longer.
3 to 4 days
1-2 days
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1-10 days
Up to 90 days
Blood in urine, saliva, hair
Cocaine can be detected in a urine test for 3 to 4 days.
The blood test will detect cocaine for 1-2 days.
The saliva test will detect cocaine within 1-10 days.
If the history of drug abuse must be tested, hair is an ideal biological test material. The hair test can detect cocaine for up to 90 days.
Cocaine is a local anaesthetic (pain reliever) and a powerful stimulant for the central nervous system (the nerves that control the activity in our body). Cocaine can be inhaled, injected, or smoked (cracked).
The chemical name of pure cocaine is 8-methyl-3-(benzyloxy)-8-azabicyclo[3,2,1]octane-2-carboxylic acid methyl ester. The molecular formula is C17H21NO4, molecule.
After taking cocaine drugs, although these suckers make people feel thrilled and full of these pleasures, they seem abnormal and mentally problematic for outsiders.
However, smokers cannot feel it. Because they were controlled by the hallucinations caused by the cocaine drug, they lost themselves.
People who use cocaine drugs use cocaine for a little longer. People with higher levels of cocaine do have some common physical characteristics.
Beautify the body
Weak body
Premature ageing of white lips
Loose teeth
Dry skin
Due to long-term malnutrition and the direct impact of cocaine drugs on the endocrine, the levels of sex hormones in people taking cocaine are in a state of confusion and decline.
As a result, various premature ageing properties, such as
The disappearance of secondary characteristics
Morning hair
Tooth loss
Less subcutaneous fat
Poor skin elasticity
There is an old state that does not match the age
Extracting cocaine: Researchers pointed out that drug dealers first soak cocaine in petroleum derivatives such as kerosene, then add sodium carbonate, milk of lime, or potassium permanganate, and then filter to produce cocaine to make cocaine.
Cocaine, also known as coca cream. The coca paste is then mixed with chloral hydrate, filtered, and dried.
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How long does cocaine stay in your system?
Long-term use of cocaine can cause lung diseases such as pneumonia and pulmonary bleeding.
The lungs of the sucker may be scarred. Repeated smoking of cocaine can also cause chronic pharyngitis, severe rhinitis, chest pain, difficulty breathing, high fever, and hypoxia.
The primary mental disorders caused by cocaine drugs are hallucinations and thinking disorders.
The behavioural characteristics of cocaine addicts revolve around the transfer of cocaine and even the humanitarian losses caused by consuming cocaine drugs.
Injecting cocaine drugs intravenously into abusers brings infectious complications, the most common purulent infections, and hepatitis B and AIDS. In addition, it can damage the nervous system and immune system and is susceptible to various diseases.
Cocaine enters the central nervous system and can quickly produce euphoria. The euphoria and mood improvement that can be captured mainly depend on whether the plasma concentration is euphoria, rising, or falling.
The decay rate is faster than the drop in blood concentration. Cocaine is a convulsant. A single dose of cocaine can induce seizures, and repeated use can cause chronic epilepsy.
In addition, the abuse of cocaine can also cause intracranial haemorrhage, seizures, persistent or mechanical repetitive movements, ataxia, and abnormal gait. The above strange phenomenon will gradually disappear after stopping the drug.
Cocaine can easily cause coronary artery stenosis and increase platelet aggregation. Dramatic catecholamines simultaneously act on the alpha and beta receptors of peripheral blood vessels and coronary blood vessels, thereby improving peripheral blood pressure and increasing the resistance of coronary blood vessels.
These changes increase the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that the amount of cocaine entering the heart is directly related to the death of laboratory animals. In addition, the cause of cocaine.
Ventricular premature beats
Myocardial insufficiency
High blood pressure
High blood pressure
Ventricular tachycardia
After inhaling cocaine, the nasal mucosa quickly absorbed. Due to its stimulation and contraction of blood vessels, it is easy to form nasal ulcers, loss of smell, nasal valve atrophy, and perforation of the nasal septum.
Cocaine acts on the medulla respiratory centre, bronchial smooth muscles, and pulmonary blood vessels, causing respiratory complications such as dyspnea, alveolar haemorrhage, cough, fever, pulmonary oedema, pulmonary asthma, and interstitium.
Many cocaine abusers believe that cocaine can so increase sexual desire. Still, after severe addiction, they no longer pay attention to the pleasure of sexual intercourse but focus on satisfying their cravings for cocaine.
After intravenous cocaine or after inhalation, even if there is no irritation to the sexual organs, it will cause excitement and even self-emission. Sometimes it can even replace a sexual partner.
The sexual excitement of cocaine will soon tolerate, and long-term abuse can cause various sexual dysfunctions, including menstrual disorders, lactation, Menopause, sexual excitement, and infertility.
How long does cocaine stay in your system?
By using HIV-infected syringes, so intravenous drugs can easily infect the immune system, thereby weakening the machine’s ability to resist common opportunistic infections caused by AIDS.
Patients with intravenous cocaine and sexual intercourse may also spread and infect with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases (especially syphilis).
The effects of cocaine on pregnancy and fetuses can reduce sperm count and motility while increasing abnormal sperm.
The presence of cocaine in semen may reduce sperm and increase abnormal sperm, making it more difficult for you to get pregnant.
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