As we step into a brand new year, what better way to celebrate than with the joy of Happy New Year Poems? No matter if you are thinking about the previous year,  making a New Year’s resolution, or just want to wish friends and families sweet words of happiness, I hope poetry can offer you a platform to express those words. Here you will find simple, happy, and beautiful poems that will get a person in high spirits in the New Year. It is high time to view the possibilities of poetic celebration for the New Year and embrace the promise of fresh beginnings through the power of words!

Heart Touching Happy New Year Poems

Short & Best Happy New Year Poems in English

Short New Years’ Poem

Low, quiet music is playing—
distorted trumpet, torn bass line,
white windows. My palms
are two speakers the size
of pool-hall coasters.
I lay them on the dark table
for you to repair it.

Small New Year Poems for Children

It is a new year
Let us give a cheer
And maybe some beer
Get all your friends
Party till the day ends
Then the ball will drop
And the balloons will pop
It will be 201
Give me a high five
Another year passes
Through life’s glasses
Happy New Year 2025.

~Carl Adamshick

Inspirational Poem for the New Year

A new year dawns, a fresh new start,

With dreams to chase, and hope in heart.

The past is gone, the slate is clear,

Embrace the future without fear.


Each day’s a chance to rise and shine,

To craft a life that’s truly mine.

Through trials faced and mountains climbed,

The path ahead is brightly lined.


So take a step, believe, achieve,

In every goal, in what you weave.

The new year calls, your story’s cue,

The world awaits the best of you.

A Brighter, Better New Year

Happy, Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best,
Great work to reach your fondest goals,
And when you’re done, sweet rest.

We hope for your fulfillment,
Contentment, peace, and more,
A brighter, better new year than
You’ve ever had before.

~Joanna Fuchs

Welcome To The New Year Poetry

Hey, my lad, ho, my lad!
Here’s a New Broom.
Heaven’s your housetop
And Earth is your room.
Tuck up your shirtsleeves,
There’s plenty to do-
Look at the muddle
That’s waiting for you!

Dust in the corners
And dirt on the floor,
Cobwebs still clinging
To window and door.

Hey, my lad! o, my lad!
Nimble and keen-
Here’s your New Broom, my lad!
See you sweep clean.

~Eleanor Farjeon

New Year Poetry On Let The Old Ways Go

A New Year is here once more,
With its visions of future promise.
The old ways passed by,
And a fresh start, there for the taking.
All is optimism;
Gloom is gone!
Looking forward to the innocent blossoming of spring
Blooming into a youthful, balmy summer.
But the world does not change.
That beautiful vision of new cleanness
Comes from within;
From the hope for a better world,
And a desire to let the old ways go.

~Phil Harris

New Year Inspirational Poems

New Year Inspirational Poems

Little New Year Poem for Kids

The New Year lies before you
Like a spotless tract of snow
Be careful how you tread on it
For every mark will show.


New Year Motivational Poem

Life is a book in volumes three–
The past, the present, and the yet-to-be.
The past is written and laid away,
The present we’re writing every day,
And the last and best of volumes three
Is locked from sight — God keeps the key.

Fresh New Year Poem On Life

Another fresh New Year is here…
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love, and laugh and give!

This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest…
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!

I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!

~ William Arthur Ward

Happy New Year Eve Poems

Happy New Year Eve Poems

Poem on New Year Eve

This night of all the nights
is the year’s last.
All, all the other nights
are gone, are past…
After the evening, with
its fading light,
put the lid on the hour
and close it tight.

Close up your tiny eye;
close up the day.
Bid the old year
and come away.

~Jean Kenward

New Years Resolution Poem

New Years Resolution Poem

Happy New Year Resolution Poem

Just think think think
Of things you can do
To make yourself better
Before the years through

Resolutions can be tough,
Or simple as can be,
Making resolutions,
Are great for you and me!

So what will you promise,
To help yourself, my dear,
Through 2025
Have a happy new year!

~ Mrs. Khan

My New Year Resolutions Poem

Here comes the New Year
And its time to make resolutions
For I promise to be sincere
And bring in me a revolution

In class, I’ll talk less
In studies, I’ll surely progress
All my lies I’ll confess
I’ll go to play with egress

To my friends, I’ll be kind
Have my character refined
To a helper of mankind
With a sound mind

I’ll follow my teacher’s advice
Regularly I’ll exercise
My mother, I’ll idolize
Beyond doubt, I’ll civilize

These are my resolutions
To bring in me an evolution
To follow them I’ll try my best
Until then I’ll not rest

Christian New Year Poems
Religious Christian New Year Poems for 2019

New Year Poem About Just One Request

Dear Master for this coming year
Just one request I bring:
I do not pray for happiness,
Or any earthly thing—
I do not ask to understand
The way Thou leadest me,
But this I ask: Teach me to do
The thing that pleaseth Thee.

I want to know Thy guiding voice,
To walk with Thee each day.
Dear Master make me swift to hear
And ready to obey.
And thus the year I now begin
A happy year will be—
If I am seeking just to do
The thing that pleaseth Thee.

Unknown Author