
Star Citizen is an in-development space combat simulator which is developed by Cloud Imperium. The game was first announced back in 2012 and the final version of the game isn’t released yet even after more than ten years. The game received a lot of backlashes from critics and the gaming community due to the long production and no clear final release date. Developers have been releasing modules of the original game since 2013 but they weren’t enough to quench the thirst of gamers who were looking for a once-in-a-lifetime space adventure. 

Till now, developers have published four different modules of this long-awaited first-person shooter game and each module features different mechanics. Among these modules, the persistent universe module is the best as it features everything from the first three modules along with some new updates. If you want to try space ships in the game, the hanger module is available for you. Purchase a ship and modify it according to your taste with this module. Become an arena commander and fly your space shuttles. Engage in combat with other players in the star marine module. In the final persistent universe module, you can create a fully customizable character and accomplish everything from the above-mentioned modules. 

Scorpius space ship


Scorpius is a small spaceship developed by Roberts Space Industries for two space voyagers. For difficult times such as combat situations, developers installed a remote turret on its rails that you can easily move to the top or the bottom position according to your needs. The wings are installed in an x shape and can be retracted backward to transport it on other ships as well as to land it in tight spots. It also features two missile rack hardpoints along with four additional hardpoints for guns. In terms of flying, the ship is similar to the hurricane class ships but its speed is low. It is pretty tough and the rail turret makes it a unique ship in Star Citizen. The ship was first premiered at the Invictus launch week while it was released in the Alpha 3.17.1 version of Star Citizen. Below are more details about the Scorpius ship such as specifications, armament, features, available paints, and general information. You need Star Citizen Auec to buy the Scorpius ship when it will release so you have to start collecting it from today or you can buy it from a third party with real-life money to avoid all that grinding and spending Auec on other items for now.  

General Information

The main role of this ship is fighting in combat and it’s always in flight-ready condition. It is a small size space ship so you don’t have to worry about the maneuverability. The combat speed of this ship is around two hundred meters per second while the maximum speed in normal conditions is around twelve hundred meters per second. The ship is available in the Insurance module at the expedite fee of around five thousand Auec. Along with the insurance module, the ship is available only in the pledge module. 


Its flying length is around twenty-hour meters while the landing length is thirty meters which isn’t that much compared to similar ships. The maximum crew limit of Scorpius is 2 persons while it can’t store any cargo at all. It is available for around two hundred bucks while the warbond price is twenty bucks less than the original price. The beam is around thirty-three meters during flight while it is thirteen meters while the ship is landed. The total height of the ship is thirteen meters and the landed height is six meters only. 


Four weapon hardpoints can hold four sizes three weapons or four sizes 2 CF-277 badgers. The turret hard point can hold a size three quad turret or a CF-337 panther. Missile hardpoints can hold eight sizes of two missiles easily. The four-gun points are located on the end of each while the badger repeater is fitted on the top of a gimbal. The turret can be controlled remotely by the co-pilot and he can move it in both backward and forward directions to hit enemies in the desired direction. The CF-277 is a laser repeater and the turret is also developed by Klaus and Werner. This ship is regarded as the best option for both attacking and defense because of the position of its guns. MMOPIXEL.COM has been in the business of providing game currencies and items for more than ten years. The default loadout of the ship includes the below-given items. 

  • One size one radar
  • One size one computer
  • Two size one power plants 
  • Two size one coolers
  • Two size one shield generators 
  • Two size one fuel intakes
  • Two size one fuel tanks
  • One size one quantum drive
  • One size one jump drive
  • One size one quantum fuel tank
  • One main thruster and two retro thrusters 
  • Eight fixed maneuvering thrusters 

Available paints 


For now, only four paint jobs are available for the famous Scorpius ship in Star Citizen, and below are more details about these paint jobs along with their price. 

  • Bright: It is a green color paint with accents of pale yellow and grey colors. You can buy it for seven and a half bucks. 
  • Stinger: Slate grey color paint with accents of dark grey color and this paint job also features a decal or orange scorpion in the middle. It is a limited-edition paint job and was available for eleven bucks during the concept sale. 
  • Stormcloud: Teal color paint with accents of pale orange and dark grey colors. 
  • Sunburn: White color paint with accents of dark grey and orange colors.