WhatsApp Status

WhatsApp becomes the most effective and valid mode of communication these days. It is the most advance and updated form of communication at the time.

People use WhatsApp for business purposes, official use, to get in connect with loved ones, or to convey their messages to someone. It became everyone’s need in a very short time. It is better to say that we are living in the age of WhatsApp. It is very popular in every field and in people of every age.

People use WhatsApp according to their needs or taste. It is used to send documents, pictures, audio or video files, or simply text messages. It reduces the effort of the office-workers as they can send files to anyone they want at any time of the day.

WhatsApp has many exciting features. You can make an audio call, video call, or text message. You can also send an audio voice note as well if the other person is not in the position to pick-up your call.

But the feature, that is trending and liked by most the users is “WhatsApp Status”. It is a very effective and useful feature. WhatsApp Status allows WhatsApp users to write something that is on their minds, post a picture, or share a video with their friends as well.

This feature is for a targeted audience. Only the persons who mutually saved each other’s number can see other’s WhatsApp status. You can also manage the audience of your status as well. If you do not want to show your status to someone with whom you mutually saved contact numbers, you can block this contact. By doing this, this contact would not be able to see your status.

Best Whatsapp Status

Trying to learn to say NO to people.

Behind this smile is everything you’ll never understand.

Let your smile change the world, never let the world change your smile.

Damages don’t get repaired by sorry, they get repaired by your behavior and efforts!! no need for sorry!! bear with it 🙂

Protect her like a daughter, love her like a wife, and respect her like your mother.

My attitude based on how u treat me.

Never Accept To Be Anyone’S Second Choice.

Respect Those Who Deserve It Not Demand It.

Put Me Second And I’ll Make You Nonexistent.

I Salute All My Hater With My Middle Finger.

Single Or Taken? Who Cares? I Am Awesome.

Love Your Haters, They Are You Biggest Fans.

What Can We Post On Our WhatsApp Status?

What can we post on our WhatsApp status? This is a very simple and very tricky question at the same time. What can one post depend upon the taste and nature of one’s? It could be a video. But which kind of video could it be? Again it depends upon the liking of the user. It could be a song video, poetry video, informatic video, or a funny video. It could be a picture of any kind.

People also use this feature for business purposes. They post their product description and get the attention of their mutuals. It is one of the cheapest publicity that cost probably zero.

You can also share a WhatsApp Quote here. It will help you to describe yourself and your deep feelings in a very good and proper way. It will convey your message in a very simple way.

WhatsApp Status Quote could be of any kind. It could be the words of wisdom said by a philosopher. It could be a special day wishing. It could be a funny message. It could be a motivational line. It could be anything, of any type.

The use of WhatsApp Status Quote will make your image very charming. It will help you to convey your message in a unique way using fewer words. To reduce your effort and to save your quality time, we posted almost every kind of WhatsApp Status Quotes here. You can find quotes for wishes, friends, motivation, funny, and of many other types here. We did our work, now it’s your turn.

WhatsApp Quote

If you want something you have never afforded, you have to do something you have never done!

Forgive others. Not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.

Beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful.

Never lose hope..you never know what tomorrow may bring.

Heartbreak is a sort of death in which you are forced to live.

Those who had coins enjoyed in the rain, those who had notes looked for shelters.

When Wrong People Leave Your Life, Right Things Starts Happening… 🙂

Accept the past for what it was. Acknowledge the present for what it is. Anticipate the future for what it can become.