There are many different types of books available for books lovers. Find various kinds of books consisting of some significant genres in fiction and non-fiction books that are written by famous authors. All books given in this article are suggested for book lovers.
There is nothing as deep and broad as books. There are so many books available in different genres. You may like some particular genres, but it is sure that you also want to find other books with different genres. In this article, we are going to tell you about the 7 best, latest books that best fit your mood and interest.
1.The Curse of Kuldhara
The book, The Curse of Kuldhara, written by Richa S. Mukherjee returns to the charming lanes of Gwaltoli to view again the adventures of Prachanda Tripathi, who is the favorite desi detective and owner of one of the most detective agencies in Kanpur.
2.Memsahibs: British Women in Colonial India
Memsahibs explores the inner lives of British women, away from the visions of well-staffed bungalows and silly aristocrats and the languorous club days. This book introduces the readers to the intimate interior lives of British women.
3.30 Meal Plans from Archana’s Kitchen
The author of the book, Archana Doshi, has considered the perfect meal planner that helps you to structure vegetarian, nutritious Indian meals. From the south Indian summer thalis to the wholesome meals, it consists of the 150 recipes of famous regional cuisines. The local, fresh, and seasonal emphasis on ingredients has come under the healthy cooking techniques, and Indian traditional kitchen tools in this 30 Meal Plans from Archana’s Kitchen.
4.Crooked Cats: Beastly Encounters in the Anthropocene
Crooked Cats move beyond the conservationist and the colonial accounts to place the crooked cats in the middle of the question on the way to comprehending the planet in crisis. It explains the new insights into the governance of non-human animals and their movements with humans.
5.Portrait of an Unknown Woman
Portrait of an Unknown Woman is an entertaining journey through the darkness of the art world. It is the place where dealers deceive their clients daily. In the story of the book, deep pocket investors are involved in the treatment of significant paintings that are considered only to buy as the asset class and sold at high profits.
6.Fire and Blood
Fire and Blood starts from the story of the legendary age of the Targaryen dynasty, delving into the history of the Iron Throne before the events in Game of Thrones. It goes into the generations of Targaryen who fought for the iconic seats and moved on the way up to the civil war.
7.The Modern Singh
This book consists of an inspiring story and reveals the experience of the migrants who move to New Zealand and struggle to stand on their foot in the surroundings. The Modern Singhs tell the story of how the Abbey and Money Singh pursued their relationships by forgetting the money culture, and how they were compelled to choose between their love and family.
This article consists of the different types of latest books with unique stories. With the wide variety of books available, you are likely to read books in a wide variety of genres. All the above books have different characteristics and belong to two or more categories.
If you are also a book lover and want to read that type of book that makes your mood suitable and best fits your interest, then you will like all these books.
If you have some suggestions related to the story of the above books, then you can share them with us in the comments section.