“I am the master of the road, nothing could defeat me, being fast is my destiny, you don’t want to understand it” sings the Argentine band, Rata Blanca. Surely you are also one of those lovers of speed that four wheels offer us, you will probably be seduced by the sweet purr generated by the engine and perhaps you consider that a large part of your life rests on that huge metallic steed. That is why this time we bring you in Frases de la Vida this selection of car phrases, so you can enjoy your life on the road even more.

You have probably been told that you spend more time in your car than with anyone else, and what is the problem? A car is a faithful companion for the adversities of the road, a metaphor that you can understand however you want. What hasn’t our car seen? How many things have we lived together? Yes, of course, it is simply a machine, it does not hold feelings … As far as we know. But what we feel for our car can be likened to the love that its instrument awakens in a musician. The feeling is irreplaceable, but in the same way, it is incomparable to any other human affection, so it does not make sense when you are forced to choose between a car and a person.

Why can’t we be calm traveling the world in our car? In many cases, the car is the livelihood of an entire family! Why not take care of it? Why not want it? Why not pamper him? Surely when you get into your car you want to eat the world. Well of course! How not? It seems that this machine posed reality before you on a silver tray so that you could throw yourself on it. Leave the problems behind, leave the worries behind: today you just have to drive. Where? That does not really matter. Let’s look at those car phrases, which we have prepared together with Zemotor and we’ll see where they take us.

30 driving quotes and car phrases for speed lovers

  1. When they tell me that my cars consume too much or that they are too dangerous because of their power, it makes me want to laugh. Life itself is daily consumption of energy and risk. – Enzo Ferrari
  2. To go really fast you have to slow down a second after what fear tells you and accelerate a second before what logic dictates. – Alain Prost
  3. We are going three hundred something an hour and crashing into another car is fine on the Playstation, in games, but in reality, those of us inside would never cross our minds. – Fernando Alonso
  4. But Doc, have you built a time machine with a De Lorean? In my opinion, if you’re going to do something like this, do it with style. – Michael J. Fox (Marty McFly), Chris Lloyd (Emmett “Doc” Brown). From the movie Back to the Future
  5. Running is a science, but running with passion is an art. – Michael Keaton (Monarch). From the movie Need for Speed
  6. Look at the trunk of this car, it is huge, it can hold 2 or 3 corpses. – Robert de Niro (Paul Vitti). From the movie Analyze That
  7. Modern cars look like electric razors. – Mickey Rourke (Marv). From the movie Sin City
  8. Car drivers have very few resources and originality. When they get angry with another driver they often show their finger. – Charles Bukowski
  9. Motors are like children: one is obedient and studies, while another signs checks, and spends non-stop. – Enzo Ferrari
  10. Who wants to be someone who buys a Ferrari, who already is someone who has a Lamborghini. – Frank Sinatra
  11. The best motorist is one who drives with imagination. Imagine that his family is with him in the car. – Henry Ford
  12. There was still the fabulous and legendary time when there was no contradiction between automobile and joy before every American had to own one and before automobiles killed more people than wars. – William Faulkner
  13. I design my cars to run, not to brake. – Ettore Bugatti
  14. At 273 km / h you go off in a curve, but at 271 km / h you pass the second. – Ayrton Senna
  15. The most beautiful car is the one we still have to make. – Enzo Ferrari
  16. We make cars that no one needs, but everyone wants to have. – Ferdinand Porsche
  17. Rolls Royce was born to be the car of kings, and it has become the king of cars. – Henry Royce
  18. My clients can choose the color they want for their car, as long as they want it in black. – Henry Ford
  19. When you buy a Ferrari, you are paying for the engine. The rest I give to you for free. – Enzo Ferrari
  20. I looked around and couldn’t find the car of my dreams so I decided to build it myself. – Ferdinand Porsche
  21. I spent a lot of money on alcohol, women, and sports cars. The rest I wasted. – George Best
  22. We build cars that no one needs but that everyone wants. – John DeLorean
  23. If everything seems under control, you are not going fast enough. – Gilles Villeneuve
  24. I’m not worried about driving at full speed on the race track, what really worries me is driving on the highway and that some crazy Juan Manuel Fangio thinks he will pass me. – Juan Manuel Fangio
  25. I only break when I see impossible steps to the bottom. – Jean Ragnotti
  26. A consumption of 20l to 100 is not a waste of gasoline, it is an investment in happiness. – Anonymous
  27. If you see the tree you are going to crash into, it is understeer. If you only hear it, it’s oversteer. – Walter Röhrl
  28. Let us declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched with a new beauty; the beauty of speed. A racing car… a roaring car, which seems to run on a trail of shrapnel, is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace. – Filippo Marinetti
  29. What will a tractor manufacturer (Lamborghini) know about racing cars? – Enzo Ferrari
  30. Ordinary manufacturing, daily repair. – Ford